Contact Me

software developer in the mountains
software developer in the mountains

Let's connect and collaborate!

Get in touch

Use the form below or the following contact options

Direct Contact

Phone: (+54)91126519880
Address: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Additional Information

Lintree: juanmzaragoza

Thank you for visiting my contact page! My name is Juan Manuel Zaragoza and I am a seasoned software developer with experience in a wide range of technologies. I am here to assist you with your software development needs, whether you're looking to create a brand new application, enhance an existing system, or address complex technical issues.

Innovative and Personalized Solutions

I strive to offer innovative and personalized solutions for each of my clients. Whether you need technical advice or a specific consultation regarding your project, I'm here to help. My focus on quality and attention to detail ensures that each project is carried out efficiently and professionally.

Experience and Client Relationships

In addition to my technical expertise, I pride myself on my ability to establish strong relationships with my clients. Listening to your ideas and understanding your goals is key to providing you with solutions that truly meet your needs.

Development Services Available

Whether you need assistance with web development, mobile applications, custom software, or any other aspect related to technology, I am here to provide you with the support you need. Feel free to get in touch with me to discuss how I can help you achieve your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some common questions I receive from clients:

1. What types of projects do you work on? I work on a variety of projects, including web development, mobile applications, custom software, and cloud computing solutions.

2. How do you approach a new project? I start by understanding your goals and requirements, then I create a plan and timeline. Throughout the project, I maintain open communication and provide updates.

3. What technologies do you specialize in? I specialize in a diverse array of technologies, including PHP, JavaScript, Python, and cloud computing platforms such as Google Cloud Platform, Azure, and AWS.

4. How can I request a quote for my project? You can request a quote by filling out the form on this page or sending me an email with details about your project. I will get back to you promptly.

5. Do you offer ongoing support after project completion? Yes, I offer ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the continued success of your project.

Get in Touch Today

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to send me a message. I'm looking forward to learning more about your project and collaborating with you to create high-quality tech solutions. I hope to hear from you soon and let's collaborate together!

gray and black laptop computer on surface
gray and black laptop computer on surface